Monument to Friedrich Reinhold Kreutzwald
Friedrich Reinhold Kreutzwald was a famous folklorist and doctor as well as the author of the Estonian national epic Kalevipoeg.
A monument was built in his honour at the Swan Pond in 1958. The authors of his memorial are sculptors Martin Saks, Endel Taniloo, Erika Haggi, Arseni Mölder, Lembit Tolli, and architect Harald Arman.
The granite base of the statue features bas-reliefs with motifs from Kalevipoeg: The Song of Vanemuine in the front, Ride to the End of the World in the back, The War with the Iron Men on the south side, and Building the Town on the north side.
A monument was built in his honour at the Swan Pond in 1958. The authors of his memorial are sculptors Martin Saks, Endel Taniloo, Erika Haggi, Arseni Mölder, Lembit Tolli, and architect Harald Arman.
The granite base of the statue features bas-reliefs with motifs from Kalevipoeg: The Song of Vanemuine in the front, Ride to the End of the World in the back, The War with the Iron Men on the south side, and Building the Town on the north side.